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MolArch+ - Programs and Program Options

This list gives a short description on the various programs and sub-systems and their program options contained in the MolArch+ distribution.

You may also use the frames version of this documentation.

Top of Page MolArch+ - Programs and Sub-systems
After having completed the MolArch+ installations and settings you will find the following programs (default location at "/usr/local/bin") on your system:
  • molarch+: Main program MolArch+ with a graphical interface and command line.
  • molarch-: Program version of MolArch+ without graphical interface (command line only) for faster batch-processing of multiple molecular files. This is particularly useful for creating animations of molecular ensembles with many video frames.
  • molarch++ and molarch- -: Similar to the basic versions above, but with increased limitations on the number of objects that may be handled (larger array dimensions of internal variables), but with a much higher memory demand.
  • molsurf+: Program for generating triangulated Connolly surfaces of molecules. This external program may be called from within MolArch+. The helper programs and shell scripts molsurf[0-3] are used internally by molsurf+.
  • molcont+: Program for generating 3D triangulated iso-contour surfaces on grid data such as GAUSSIAN cube files (external program that may be called from within MolArch+).
  • molview+: Program for viewing, superimposing, and printing VOGLE-graphics objects generated by MolArch+. It is mainly used to create high-resolution black-and-white graphics.
  • molconv+: Shell script for the simplified creation of high-resolution black-and-white graphics using molview+.
  • molseries+: Shell script for batch-processing of MolArch+ script files.
  • molsymm+: External program used by MolArch+ to analyze molecular symmetry.
Top of Page MolArch+ - Program Options
For a list of program options see:
        molarch+ -h

 Usage:   molarch+ -[options] --command1 .... --command2 ....

  Valid [options] are, or correspond to the following commands:

    -o, -O :   Set out-messages off/on
    -e, -E :   Set error-messages off/on
    -s, -S :   Set system-messages off/on
    -c, -C :   Set colored (highlighted) help messages on/off.
    -H :       Disable save history.
    -d :       No graphical display (use as option only, stdin is tty)
    -l :       Switch off the 'molarch+ logo
    -n :       Ignore all set-up files '(.)molarch+' and '(.)molarch+.spr'
    -D<n>:     Debug level <n> (default:0, >1 print debug messages)

    -h :       Display (this) help message and exit
    -V :       Display program version and exit
  • All options are silently executed before all other set-up and initialization files - They may be used to set silently the program defaults and its behavior. The files '(.)molarch+' and '(.)molarch+.spr' are executed (in that order) later and may override options again. Use these options mainly for suppressing all program output (stdout and stderr) and/or running molarch+ without graphic interface, or generally to pre-set non-default behavior (for general information on start-up and initialization files and their locations, see the file $MOLARCH/molarch+.hlp the paragraph titled 'Files required').
For a list of program options see:
        molarch- -h
This is the non-graphics version of 'molarch+', for the list of command line options see above.
molarch- -
These are expanded-array versions of 'molarch+' and 'molarch-', for the list of command line options see above.
For a list of program options see:
        molsurf+ -h

 Usage: molsurf+ [-hkqV] [-d <dot-density>] [-r <probe-radius>] pdb-file(s) ...

  -d <density>: Use dot <density> for the generation of the surfaces
                (default: 10, allowed range approx. 3 - 50).
  -r <radius>:  Use probe-radius <radius> for surface calculation
                (default: 1.4 A, approx. size of a single water molecule).
  -q :          Quiet mode - suppress all output.
  -k :          Keep temporary files TMP_SURFACE*.

  -h :          Display this (help) message and exit.
  -V :          Print version number and exit.
  • This script creates Connolly-type surfaces (sld-files) for molecules (pdb-files); it uses the 'molsurf0' script, and the programs 'molsurf1', 'molsurf2', and 'molsurf3'.
For a list of program options see:
        molcont+ -h

 Usage:   molcont+  [options]  contour-file  ini-file  out-file-basename

  Valid [options] are:

    -f         Fast contouring without surface geometry checks (default).
    -F         Full surface geometry checks (slow), this may also be done
               with the 'molarch+' command 'heal-surface'.

    -h         Display (this) help message and exit.
    -V         Display program version and exit.
  • This program does contouring of 3D (orthogonal) data sets and probability densities.
For a list of program options see:
        molview+ -h

 Usage:   molview+
          [--help] [-rv/--reverse] [-d/--device <output device>]
          [-q/--quiet] [-w/--width <value>] [-h/--height <value>]
          [-s/--sector <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax>]
          [object-file1] [object-file2] ...

  Valid options are:

   -rv/--reverse Set background color to white (default: black).
   -q/--quiet    Quiet execution of program.
   -s -w -h      Set window sector (in A) to be displayed.
   -d/--device   Output device can be: X11 (default), postscript,
    ppostscript (portrait), cps (color postscript), pcps (color portrait
    postscript), hpgla1, hpgla2 (or hpgl), hpgla3, hpgla4, dxy, tek.

    -h         Display (this) help message and exit.
    -V         Display program version and exit.
  • Application to visualize (convert into images) and print 'object-files' saved by 'molarch+'.

  • Use the following statement to convert object files into postscript files and these into pictures:
    	molview+ -q -rv -d pcps [object-files] > [postscript-file]
    	gs -q -sDEVICE=<device> -r<XXX>x<YYY> -dNOPAUSE \
               -sOutputFile=[image-file] -- [postscript-file]
    Here, <device> is preferably one of these: pcxgray jpeggray pgmraw pgnraw pnggray; for a comprehensive list of available devices see 'gs -h' on your system. <XXX> and <YYY> sets the image resolution in dpi.

  • Or use (skip the postscript output):
    	molview+ -q -rv -d pcps [object-files] | gs -q -sDEVICE=<device> \
    		 -r<XXX>x<YYY> -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=[image-file] -
  • A shortcut is (see below):
    	molconv+ [postscript-file] [object-files]
For a list of program options see:
        molconv+ -h

 Usage: molconv+ [-a(crop)] [-d <device>] [-r <resolution>] [-i(nverse)]
                 [-x <display-width>] [-y <display-height>]
		 [-q(uiet)] [-h(elp)] [-V(ersion)] output-file input-file(s)

  Valid options are:

  -a :  Auto cropping of borders by 'xv'
  -d :  Ghostscript output device (preferably use one of the following:
        pcxgray (default) jpeggray pgmraw pgnraw pnggray; for a comprehensive
        list of available devices see 'gs -h' on your system).
  -r :  Picture resolution in dpi.
  -i :  Set background color to white (default: black).
  -x :  Set display width to <display-width> Angstroms.
  -y :  Set display height to <display-height> Angstroms.
  -q :  Quiet execution of program.

  -h :  Display this (help) message and exit.
  -V :  Print version number and exit.
  • Convert all object-meta-files <input-files> saved by 'molarch+' into a picture with the <resolution> in ppi (pixel per inch), and save the picture (<device>-format, e.g. ppm, pcxmono, pcx256, ...) as <output-file> (Default values: <device>=pcxgray, <resolution>=300).
For a list of program options see:
        molseries+ -h

 Usage: molseries+ [-hV] spr-file arguments ...

  Valid options are:

  -s :  Pipe file through 'sh' rather than 'molarch+'

  -h :  Display this (help) message and exit.
  -V :  Print version number and exit.
  • For each argument the token $1 or $FILE in the spr-file will be substituted and molarch+ is called with the new spr-file.
For a list of program options see:
        molsymm+ -h

 Usage: molsymm+ [option value ...] [filename]

  Valid options are:

  -verbose      (  0) Determines verbosity level
                      All values above 0 are intended for debugging purposes
  -maxaxisorder ( 20) Maximum order of rotation axis to look for
  -maxoptcycles (200) Maximum allowed number of cycles in symmetry element optimization

  -same         (   0.001) Atoms are colliding if distance falls below this value
  -primary      (    0.05) Initial loose criterion for atom equivalence
  -final        (  0.0001) Final criterion for atom equivalence
  -maxoptstep   (     0.5) Largest step allowed in symmetry element optimization
  -minoptstep   (   1e-07) Termination criterion in symmetry element optimization
  -gradstep     (   1e-07) Finite step used in numeric gradient evaluation
  -minchange    (   1e-10) Minimum allowed change in target function
  -minchgcycles (       5)  Number of minchange cycles before optimization stops

Input is expected in the following format:
AtomicNumber X Y Z
  • This program analyzes molecular symmetry.

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel