TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5gaussianblobView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (gaussianblob.pov):

// Demo scene for povray 3.5
// Features Gaussian distribution and use of trace function
// Composed by Greg M. Johnson 2001
// Uses a macro by Rico Reusser.

#declare UseRadiosity = no;
#declare S = seed(20173);
#declare CompRadius=0.05;//radius of blob components;
#declare CompNum=7500;//number of blob components

#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.04
pretrace_end 2/300
count 400
recursion_limit 2
nearest_count 1
error_bound 0.2

#default {finish { ambient 0}}
light_source {<0, 200, -100> colour rgb 1.5}

//This macro created by Rico Reusser
#declare e = 2.718281828459;
#macro Gauss(RSR)

plane {y,-0.9105 pigment {White}}

#declare Norm=<0,0,0>;//This variable is used to hold the normal vector obtained
//using trace(). This vector is then used to determine whether an intersection was found.
#declare Posy=array[CompNum]
#declare Posy[0]=;
#declare Ally=sphere {Posy[0], CompRadius}//This variable will hold a collection of spheres,
//one for each blob component. The algorithm checks against this object to decide
//if a component is "on top of" another.

#declare N=1;
#while(N #declare Test=;
#declare Tracey=trace(Ally,Test+100*y,-y,Norm);

#if (Norm.x = 0 & Norm.y = 0 & Norm.z = 0)
#declare Posy[N]=Test;
//put the new component at y=0
#declare Posy[N]=Tracey+Norm*CompRadius;
//put the new component at a point "above" the one it hit
//The algorithm actually uses the normal to compute the position

//Add new sphere to union
#declare Ally=
union {object {Ally}
sphere {Posy[N], CompRadius}

// #debug concat(str(N,4,0), "\n")
#declare N=N+1;

blob {
threshold 0.5

#declare N=0;
#while(N sphere {Posy[N], CompRadius*2.85, 1}
#declare N=N+1;
pigment {rgb <0.2,1,0.1>}

background {White}

sphere {<0.5,0,0>, 0.5
pigment {
gradient x
pigment_map {
[0.0 rgb 0]
[0.995 rgb 0.04]
[1.0 rgb 2]
finish {ambient 20}
translate <-0.5,0,0>
scale 500

camera {
location <0,3,-15>
look_at <0,0,0>
angle 20

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