TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5lifeView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (life.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// Life.Pov Celular autotomata life animation for POV-Ray 3.0
// by JIm WIlliamson 100041,2563
// using a character string to simulate arrays.
// Adapted for POV-Ray 3.1 using arrays by Chris Young

camera {location 100*y direction z*2.1 look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source { <10,100,5> color rgb 1}

#declare LifeObject=sphere{<0,0,0>,0.49 no_shadow}
#declare LifeTex=texture { pigment {rgb 1} }

#if (frame_number != 0 & frame_number != 1)
#include "lifedata.inc"
#declare NumCols=60;
#declare NumRows=40;
#declare Gen =0;
#declare Ratio=0.75;
#declare LifeGrid=array[NumRows][NumCols]
#declare LR=seed(554);

// Initialize grid with random values
#declare Row = 0;
#while(Row #declare Column=0;
#while (Column #if(rand(LR)>Ratio)
#declare LifeGrid[Row][Column]=1;
#declare LifeGrid[Row][Column]=0;
#declare Column=Column+1;
#declare Row=Row+1;

#declare NC2=-NumCols/2;
#declare NR2=-NumRows/2;

// Display results
#declare Row = 0;
#while (Row < NumRows)
#declare Column = 0;
#while (Column < NumCols)
object {
#if (LifeGrid[Row][Column])
texture {LifeTex}
scale .5
#declare Column = Column + 1;
#declare Row = Row + 1;

#debug concat("Generation ",str(Gen,3,0),"\n")

#declare Gen=Gen+1;

// Compute next generation
#fopen LifeNext "lifedata.inc" write

#write (LifeNext, "#declare Gen=",str(Gen,4,0),";\n")
#write (LifeNext, "#declare NumCols=",str(NumCols,4,0),";\n")
#write (LifeNext, "#declare NumRows=",str(NumRows,4,0),";\n")
#write (LifeNext, "#declare LifeGrid=array[NumRows][NumCols]\n")

#write (LifeNext, "{")

#declare Row = 0;
#while (Row < NumRows)
#if (Row)
#write (LifeNext, ",\n")
#write (LifeNext, "{")

#declare Column = 0;
#while (Column < NumCols)
#if (Column)
#write (LifeNext, ",")

#declare Near = 0;
#declare YY = Row - 1;
#while (YY <= Row + 1)
#declare Y3=mod(YY+NumRows,NumRows);
#declare XX = Column - 1;
#while (XX <= Column + 1)
#declare X3=mod(XX+NumCols,NumCols);
#if ((XX=Column)&(YY=Row))
#declare Near=Near+LifeGrid[Y3][X3];
#declare XX = XX + 1;
#declare YY = YY + 1;
#if (LifeGrid[Row][Column])
#if((Near=2) | (Near=3))
#write (LifeNext, "1")
#write (LifeNext, "0")
#if (Near=3)
#write (LifeNext, "1")
#write (LifeNext, "0")
#declare Column = Column + 1;
#declare Row = Row + 1;
#write (LifeNext, "}")

#write (LifeNext, "}\n")

#fclose LifeNext

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