TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5mappr2View or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (mappr2.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// Image_map demonstration, shows various types of mapping
// File by Alexander Enzmann
// NOTE: Requires "test.png"

global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"

#declare Bi = 2.0;

#declare Texture2 = /* Cylindrical image map */
texture {pigment{image_map {png "test.png" map_type 2 once interpolate Bi } } }

#declare Texture5 = /* Torus image map */
texture {pigment{image_map {png "test.png" map_type 5 interpolate Bi } } }

cylinder { <0,0,0>, y, 1
texture { Texture2 }
translate <0, -0.5, 0>
scale <7, 14, 7>
rotate <40, -60, 0>
translate <-12, 15, 20>

object { Hyperboloid_Y
translate 1*y scale <1, 0.5, 1>
texture { Texture2 }
scale <1, 2, 1> translate <0, -1, 0>
clipped_by {box{<-2,-1,-2>,<2,1,2>} } //bounded_by{clipped_by}
scale <5, 7, 5>
rotate <-40, -90, 0>
translate <-12, -15, 20>

/* Torus having major radius = 6.4, minor radius = 3.5 */

torus { 6.4, 3.5
texture { Texture5 }
rotate -90*y
rotate -20*x
translate <12, 15, 20>

object { Paraboloid_Y
texture { Texture2 }
clipped_by{box{<-2,0,-2>,<2,1,2>} } //bounded_by{clipped_by}
translate <0, -0.5, 0>
scale <8, 16, 8>
rotate <-40, 0, 0>
translate <12, -15, 20>

camera {
location <0, 0, -90>
direction <0, 0, 1>
up <0, 0.5, 0>
right <0.6666, 0, 0>

light_source {<0, 300, -200> colour White}

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel