TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5mathView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (math.pov):

// Persistence of Vision Raytracer Version 3.5 Scene Description File
// File: math.pov
// Last updated: 9. Sept. 2001
// Authors: Chris Huff / Bob Hughes / Tor Olav Kristensen
// Description: Graphing of functions

#version 3.5;

#include "stdinc.inc"


global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }

#default { finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }


// Which graph to show.
// 0 for power, 1 for trig, 2 for inverse trig, 3 for various
#declare Graphic = 3;

// The aspect ratio of the image.
// (To get equal thickness of vertical and horizontal lines.)
// E.g.: 800/600 = 4/3, 320/200 = 8/5
#declare AspectRatio = 4/3;

#declare vAR = ;

// Set to true to get a border. S L O W.
#declare Border = false;

// Half of the "thickness" of the lines
#declare CylRadius = 0.006;


#macro v2Dto3D(v0)

#end // macro v2Dto3D

#macro vNorm(v0)

#local pGraphCtr = (pGraphMax + pGraphMin)/2;
#local vA = (v0 - pGraphCtr)/(pGraphMax - pGraphMin);


#end // macro vNorm

#macro PlotPoint(p0)

sphere { v2Dto3D(vNorm(p0)), CylRadius }

#end // macro PlotPoint

#macro PlotLine(p0, p1)

cylinder { v2Dto3D(vNorm(p0)), v2Dto3D(vNorm(p1)), CylRadius }

#end // macro PlotLine

#macro Graph(Func, Num, Color)

union {
#local X = pGraphMin.u;
#local pLast = ;
#local Xstep = (pGraphMax.u - pGraphMin.u)/(Num - 1);
#local J = 1;
#while(J < Num)
#local X = X + Xstep;
#local pNext = ;
PlotLine(pLast, pNext)
#local pLast = pNext;
#local J = J + 1;
#if (Border)
clipped_by {
box {
-<0.5, 0.5, CylRadius>,
<0.5, 0.5, CylRadius>
scale vAR + z
#end // if
pigment { color Color }

#end // macro Graph

#macro GraphSetup()

// Coordinate grid
box {
-<1, 1, 0>, <1, 1, 1>
scale v2Dto3D(vAR)/2 + z/10000
texture {
pigment { checker color Gray20, color White }
scale v2Dto3D(GraphScale*(vNorm(<1, 1>) - vNorm(<0, 0>))) + z
translate v2Dto3D(vNorm(<0, 0>))

// X-axis
object {
PlotLine(pGraphMin*u, pGraphMax*u)
pigment { color Black }

// Y-axis
object {
PlotLine(pGraphMin*v, pGraphMax*v)
pigment { color Black }

camera {
right x
up y
scale v2Dto3D(vAR)*(Border ? 1.08 : 1) + z
location -z
look_at <0, 0, 0>

#if (Border)
background { color Gray10 + Blue/2 }
#end // if

#end // macro GraphSetup


#case(0) // power functions (^ operator)
#declare pGraphMin = <-5,-5>;
#declare pGraphMax = <5, 5>;
#declare GraphScale = <1, 1>;
Graph(function (x) { x }, 300, Red)
Graph(function (x) { x*x }, 300, Green)
Graph(function (x) { x*x*x }, 300, Blue)
#case(1) // trigonometric functions
#declare pGraphMin = <-90, -1.5>;
#declare pGraphMax = <270, 1.5>;
#declare GraphScale = <10, 0.1>;
Graph(function (x) { sind(x) }, 300, Red)
Graph(function (x) { cosd(x) }, 300, Green)
Graph(function (x) { tand(x) }, 300, Blue)
#case(2) // inverse trigonometric functions
#declare pGraphMin = <-1,-180>;
#declare pGraphMax = <1, 180>;
#declare GraphScale = <0.1, 10>;
Graph(function (x) { asind(x) }, 300, Red)
Graph(function (x) { acosd(x) }, 300, Green)
Graph(function (x) { atan2d(x, 1) }, 300, Blue)
#case(3) // various functins
#declare pGraphMin = <-10,-10>;
#declare pGraphMax = <10, 10>;
#declare GraphScale = <1, 1>;
Graph(function (x) { sgn(x) }, 300, Red)
Graph(function (x) { clip(x, -3, 2) }, 300, Green)
Graph(function (x) { clamp(x, -3, 2) + 0.001 }, 300, Blue)// +0.001 to make it visible beside clip()
Graph(function (x) { adj_range(x, 3, 5) }, 300, Yellow)
Graph(function (x) { adj_range2(x, -3, 2, 3, 5) }, 300, Orange)



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