TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5pigment_patternView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (pigment_pattern.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// this scene demonstrates a possible use of the pigment_pattern pattern

// first, we'll define a reasonably complex pigment, made of wrinkles
// and leopard pigments mapped within a bozo pattern in another pigment.

#include "colors.inc"

//the two basic pigments
#declare Pig1 = pigment {
color_map {
[0 SteelBlue]
[1 Yellow]
scale .05

#declare Pig2 = pigment {
color_map {
[0.0 Orange]
[0.5 White]
[1.0 White]

//the complex pigment
#declare Pig3 = pigment {
pigment_map {
[0 Pig1]
[1 Pig2]
scale 1.5

//the first, greenish, sphere shows the complex pigment as is
sphere {<0,4,0>,4 pigment {Pig3}}

//the second, gray, sphere shows how the complex pigment becomes
//a new pattern with values from 0 to 1
sphere {<0,4,0>,4
pigment {pigment_pattern {Pig3}}
translate z*12

//and the big torus shows the new pattern with an orange color_map,
//and an added normal using the same pattern to create visible craters
//on the surface, following the complex pattern.
torus {7 2
pigment {pigment_pattern {Pig3}
color_map {
[0 OrangeRed*.2]
[1 OrangeRed*1.5]
normal {pigment_pattern {Pig3} .4}
finish {phong .8 phong_size 10}
translate y*2

//some usual scene elements
camera {location <10,20,10> look_at <0,2,4> angle 50}
plane {y,0 pigment {rgb <.2,.4,.3>}}
light_source {<20,30,40> White*1.2}
light_source {<-20,30,-40> Wheat*.5 shadowless}

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel