TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5povcatrayView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (povcatray.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: PovCatRay.pov
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: A cool cat and his gang
// Date: 1999/12/04
// Updated: 2001/07/27
// Auth: Ingo Janssen

#version 3.5;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#include "cattext.inc"

// A basic hair creation macro
#macro Obj_RndOn_Sphere(r_Big, PlaceObj, TraceObj, n, S)
#local R1=seed(S);
#local Counter=0;
#while (Counter != n)
#local Angle= ;
#local OnSphere= vrotate(<0,r_Big,0>,Angle);
#local TObj= trace(TraceObj,<0,0,0>, OnSphere);
#if (TObj.x !=0 | TObj.y !=0 | TObj.z !=0)
object {PlaceObj translate <0,r_Big,0> rotate Angle}
#local Counter=Counter+1;

light_source { < 500, 500,-500> rgb 1}
light_source { < 200, 500, 500> rgb 0.5}
light_source { < 0, 0,-500> rgb 0.2 shadowless}
light_source { <-500, 500,-500> rgb 0.1 shadowless}

camera {
location < 0, -0.2,-8.0>
look_at < 0, -0.2, 0.0>
angle 35

#declare P= text {
"povlogo.ttf", "P",
2, 0
scale 0.8
translate <0.25,0.05,-1>

#declare PP= pigment {
object {
color rgb 0
color rgb 0.1
warp {repeat x}
warp {repeat y}

#declare Tor1Pos=transform {scale <0.9,1,1> translate <-0.9,0.1,0>}
#declare Tor2Pos=transform {scale < 0.8, 1, 1.5> scale 0.3 translate <1.7,1.1,0>}
#declare Tor3Pos=transform {scale 0.3 scale <0.9,1,1> translate <1.7,0.1,0>}
#declare Tor4Pos=transform {scale 0.3 scale <0.9,1,1> translate <1.7,-0.9,0>}

union {
difference {
plane {-z, 0 texture {pigment {checker pigment {rgb 0.7} pigment {PP} scale 0.25}}}
sphere {0,1.5 scale 0.93 scale <1,1,2> transform Tor1Pos pigment {rgb <0,0,0.4>}}
sphere {0,1.5 scale <1,1,2> transform Tor2Pos pigment {rgb <0.4,0,0>}}
sphere {0,1.5 scale <1,1,2> transform Tor3Pos pigment {rgb <1,0.2,0>}}
sphere {0,1.5 scale <1,1,2> transform Tor4Pos pigment {rgb <0,0.4,0>}}
torus {1.5,0.1 scale 0.93 rotate <90,0,0> transform Tor1Pos}
torus {1.5,0.1 rotate <90,0,0> transform Tor2Pos}
torus {1.5,0.1 rotate <90,0,0> transform Tor3Pos}
torus {1.5,0.1 rotate <90,0,0> transform Tor4Pos}
pigment {rgb 0.8}

//=== Cat1 = unmodified cat.

#include "coolcat.inc"
object {
scale 0.93
rotate <-5,-25, 0>
translate <-0.9,-0.10,0>

//=== Cat2
#declare BaseTex= pigment {
turbulence 0.4
scale 0.2
colour_map {
[0, rgb 0.5]
[1, rgb 0.8]

#declare CatTex= texture {
pigment {
pigment_pattern {
scale <4,2,1.8>
translate <0,-0.3,-0.7>
pigment_map {
[0.7, BaseTex]
[0.8, rgb 0.3]

#declare HairTex=texture {
pigment {
rotate <0,90,0>
turbulence 0.4
scale 0.2
colour_map {
[0, rgb 0.2]
[1, rgb 0.05]
finish {specular 0.2 roughness 0.08}

#declare Hair= difference {
sphere {0,1.1}
sphere {0,1.2 scale < 0.5, 3, 1.5> rotate < 0, 0, 40> translate <-0.3, 0,-1>}
sphere {0,1.2 scale < 0.5, 3, 1.5> rotate < 0, 0,-40> translate < 0.3, 0,-1>}
sphere {0,1.3 translate < 0,-1.37,-0.3>}
sphere {0,0.32 translate < 0, 1, 0> rotate < 0, 0, 45>}
sphere {0,0.32 translate < 0, 1, 0> rotate < 0, 0,-45>}
scale <1,1,1.3>

#declare PupilPos = <-10,0,10>;
#declare PupilDiam = 0.06;
#include "coolcat.inc"

object {
scale < 0.8, 1, 1.5>
scale 0.3
rotate <-10, 20, 0>
translate <1.7,1,0>

#undef BaseTex
#undef CatTex
#undef HairTex
#undef Hair
#undef PupilPos
#undef PupilDiam

//=== Cat3
#declare CatTex= texture {
pigment {
turbulence 0.3
scale 1.5
translate <0.2,0.2,-1>
colour_map {
[0.5, rgb 0.2]
[0.8, rgb 0.8]
#declare HairTex= texture{pigment{rgb 0.8}}

#declare HairPiece= difference {
sphere {0,1.1}
sphere {0,1.2 scale < 0.5, 3, 1.5> rotate < 0, 0, 40> translate <-0.3, 0,-1>}
sphere {0,1.2 scale < 0.5, 3, 1.5> rotate < 0, 0,-40> translate < 0.3, 0,-1>}
sphere {0,1.3 translate < 0,-1.37,-0.3>}
sphere {0,0.32 translate < 0, 1, 0> rotate < 0, 0, 45>}
sphere {0,0.32 translate < 0, 1, 0> rotate < 0, 0,-45>}
sphere {0,1}
scale <1,1,1.3>
#declare OneHair= sphere {0,0.05 scale <1,2,1>}

#declare Hair= union {
#declare PupilPos = <0,0, 10>;
#declare PupilDiam = 0.06;

#include "coolcat.inc"

object {
scale 0.3
rotate <0, 20, 0>
translate <1.7,0,0>

#undef CatTex
#undef HairTex
#undef HairPiece
#undef OneHair
#undef Hair
#undef PupilPos
#undef PupilDiam

//=== Cat4
#declare CatTex = texture {
pigment {
turbulence 0.3
scale 0.09
colour_map {
[0, rgb 0.4]
[1, rgb 0.9]

#declare HairTex= texture {pigment {rgb 0.1}}

#declare HairPiece= intersection {
difference {
union {
sphere {0,1 scale <0.2,1,1> translate < 0,1,0.1>}
sphere {0,1 scale <0.1,1,1> translate <-0.3,1,0.2>}
sphere {0,1 scale <0.1,1,1> translate < 0.3,1,0.2>}
sphere {0,1 scale <2,0.5,0.2> translate <-0.5,-0.3,-0.20>}
sphere {0,1}
sphere {0,1.001}
#declare OneHair= mesh {triangle {<-0.005,0,0>,<0,0.2,0>,<0.005,0,0>}pigment{rgb 1}}

#declare Hair= union {

#declare PupilPos = <10,0, 10>;
#declare PupilDiam = 0.08;
#declare L_EarTip = <-20, 0,-30>;
#include "coolcat.inc"

object {
scale < 0.8, 1, 1.5>
scale 0.3
rotate < 10, 23, 0>
translate <1.7,-1,0>

#undef CatTex
#undef HairTex
#undef HairPiece
#undef OneHair
#undef Hair
#undef PupilPos
#undef PupilDiam
#undef L_EarTip

object {
scale (1/346)*2.6
rotate <0,0,15>
translate <-0.7,-1.35,-0.3>
object {
scale (1/51)*0.7
scale <1,1,0.2>
translate <0.5,-1.35,-0.28>
object {
scale (1/537)*2
translate <1.1,-1.65,-0.3>

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel