TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5stackertranspView or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (stackertransp.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// Features pseudo-Gaussian distribution and use of trace function
// Scene concept and collision algorithm by Greg M. Johnson 2001
// Textures by Gilles Tran
// ------------------------------
// This file creates piles of cubes
// The cubes are generated using a collision detection algorithm
// and the cubes rotations and positions are written to a file called "stacks.inc"
// If you want to run the script a second time without re-generating this file (and thus save on parsing time)
// just uncomment the #declare WriteFile=false line below
// ------------------------------
// Stats on a PIII 733 @ 640*480, default antialiasing
// Parsing time with WriteFile=true : 1
// Tracing time : <20 min
// Peak memory : 22 Mb
// ------------------------------
#declare WriteFile=true; // turns on the generation of the stacks and write them to a file
#declare WriteFile=false; // turns off the generation of the file, just read them from the previous file
// ------------------------------
// choose a number of cubes (has no effect unless WriteFile=True)
// large n values give long parsing time
#declare num=400;
//#declare num=10;
//#declare num=5;
// ------------------------------
#include "colors.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "glass.inc"

max_trace_level 50
adc_bailout 0.01

// ------------------------------
// Set settings
// ------------------------------
#declare CamLoc=<0,7,-21>;
#declare CamEye=<0,4.5,-10>;
#declare CamSky=y;
#declare AspectRatio=4/3;
#declare CamZoom=1;

camera {
location CamLoc
direction z*CamZoom
right x*AspectRatio
look_at CamEye
light_source{<0,-100,-50> color White*5 fade_distance 100 fade_power 2}
plane{y,0 texture{pigment{rgbf <0.89, 0.98, 1.0, 0.95>}finish{F_Glass5}} hollow}

gradient y
[0.5 color White]
[0.5 gradient z color_map{[0.7 Black][0.85 rgb <0.89, 0.98, 1.0>*0.95]} translate -z*0.5]
scale 2 translate -y
// ------------------------------
// centers the text
// ------------------------------
#macro centertext(Text)
#local MinText=min_extent(Text);
#local MaxText=max_extent(Text);
translate -(MinText+(MaxText-MinText)/2)

// ------------------------------
// creates the cube
// ------------------------------
#macro unitbox()
#declare sB=0.45;
#declare rB=0.05;
cylinder{-sB*x,sB*x,rB translate <0,sB,sB>}
cylinder{-sB*x,sB*x,rB translate <0,-sB,sB>}
cylinder{-sB*x,sB*x,rB translate <0,sB,-sB>}
cylinder{-sB*x,sB*x,rB translate <0,-sB,-sB>}
cylinder{-sB*y,sB*y,rB translate }
cylinder{-sB*y,sB*y,rB translate }
cylinder{-sB*y,sB*y,rB translate <-sB,0,sB>}
cylinder{-sB*y,sB*y,rB translate <-sB,0,-sB>}
cylinder{-sB*z,sB*z,rB translate }
cylinder{-sB*z,sB*z,rB translate }
cylinder{-sB*z,sB*z,rB translate <-sB,sB,0>}
cylinder{-sB*z,sB*z,rB translate <-sB,-sB,0>}
sphere{0,rB translate }
sphere{0,rB translate }
sphere{0,rB translate }
sphere{0,rB translate }
sphere{0,rB translate <-sB,sB,sB>}
sphere{0,rB translate <-sB,sB,-sB>}
sphere{0,rB translate <-sB,-sB,sB>}
sphere{0,rB translate <-sB,-sB,-sB>}

box{-0.45,0.45 texture{pigment{rgbf <0.88, 0.98, 1.0, 0.99>} finish{F_Glass5}} interior{ior 1.5}}
#declare Font="cyrvetic"
#declare sFont=<0.76,0.76,0.05>;
#local P=text { ttf Font "P" 1, 0 scale sFont}
#local O=text { ttf Font "O" 1, 0 scale sFont}
#local V=text { ttf Font "V" 1, 0 scale sFont}
#local R=text { ttf Font "R" 1, 0 scale sFont}
#local A=text { ttf Font "A" 1, 0 scale sFont}
#local Y=text { ttf Font "Y" 1, 0 scale sFont}
object{P centertext(P) translate -0.5*z rotate y*90}
object{O centertext(O) translate -0.5*z }
object{V centertext(V) translate -0.5*z rotate -90*y}
object{R centertext(R) translate -0.5*z rotate 180*y}
object{A centertext(A) translate -0.5*z rotate 90*x}
object{Y centertext(Y) translate -0.5*z rotate -90*x}

// ------------------------------
// cube texture
// ------------------------------
#declare rd=seed(0); // color random stream
#declare TG=array[6]
#declare TG[0]=texture{T_Silver_1E}
#declare TG[1]=texture{T_Silver_2D}
#declare TG[2]=texture{T_Copper_3E}
#declare TG[3]=texture{T_Chrome_4D}
#declare TG[4]=texture{T_Chrome_5E}
#declare TG[5]=texture{T_Gold_5D}
#macro txtBox()

// ------------------------------
// scene
// ------------------------------
#if (WriteFile)
#include "makestacks.inc" // calls the stacking routine
#include "stacks.inc" // place the cubes

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel