TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5texture1View or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

(low quality jpg-image only)

Example file (texture1.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// The TEXTUREn.POV files demonstrate all textures in TEXTURES.INC

global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.2
max_trace_level 5

#include "textures.inc"

#declare Textures=array[3][9]
texture { pigment { Jade } },
texture { pigment { Red_Marble } },
texture { pigment { White_Marble } },

texture { pigment { Blood_Marble } },
texture { pigment { Blue_Agate } },
texture { pigment { Sapphire_Agate } },

texture { pigment { Brown_Agate } },
texture { pigment { Pink_Granite } },
texture { PinkAlabaster }
texture { pigment { Blue_Sky } },
texture { pigment { Bright_Blue_Sky } },
texture { pigment { Blue_Sky2 } },

texture { pigment { Blue_Sky3 } },
texture { pigment { Blood_Sky } },
texture { pigment { Apocalypse } },

texture { pigment { Clouds } },
texture { pigment { FBM_Clouds } },
texture { Shadow_Clouds }
texture { pigment { Cherry_Wood } },
texture { pigment { Pine_Wood } },
texture { pigment { Dark_Wood } },

texture { pigment { Tan_Wood } },
texture { pigment { White_Wood } },
texture { pigment { Tom_Wood } },

texture { pigment { DMFWood1 } },
texture { pigment { DMFWood2 } },
texture { pigment { DMFWood3 } }

#include "shotxtr.inc"

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel