TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5warp1View or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

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Example file (warp1.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// Texture warp example

global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
location <0,3,-31>
direction 3*z

plane { y,-1.01 hollow on pigment {checker Yellow,White}}

plane { z, 4.01 hollow on pigment {checker Yellow,White}}

light_source { <300, 500, -500> color Gray65}
light_source { <-50, 10, -500> color Gray65}

#declare Thing = plane{z,0.1 hollow on clipped_by{box{-2,2}}}
#declare Test = pigment{image_map{png "test.png"} translate -1/2 scale 4}

pigment { Test

//This is the traditional non-warp turbulence in the X direction only
turbulence 0.4*x octaves 2

// followed by a rotate left 90 degrees. The result is a rotated image
// with the turbulence rotated with it as see in the upper left
rotate 90*z
translate <-3,5.5,0>

pigment { Test
// Here we rotate first, then do X turbulence. However the upper
// right image shows that traditional POV-Ray syntax always transforms
// the turbulence with the pattern, regardless of the order specified.

rotate 90*z
turbulence 0.4*x octaves 2
translate <3,5.5,0>

pigment { Test
// Here we do the rotation first
rotate 90*z

// and then do the turbulence in a new warp statement. The results in the
// lower left are what we wanted all along.
warp{turbulence 0.4*x octaves 2}
translate <-3,1,0>

pigment { Test
// This lower right image shows that putting the warp statement first,
// reverses the order and behaves the same as the upper images.
// The turbulence is rotated with the pattern. The results are slightly
// different than the upper images. That is because here, the turb happens
// after the transformations that are inside the declared Test pigment.
warp{turbulence 0.4*x octaves 2}
rotate 90*z
translate <3,1,0>

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel