TUD Organische ChemieImmelGraphicsPovray 3.5woods2View or Print this frame onlyView or Print (this frame only)

Example Graphics

(low quality jpg-image only)

Example file (woods2.pov):

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file.
// Woods.inc demonstration on spheres, cones, and cubes.
// Try woods1.pov on slower computers.

global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }

#default { finish { specular 0.15 roughness 0.025 ambient 0.25 } }
// Set default finish for wood textures before including the file

#include "colors.inc"
#include "woods.inc"

camera {
location <0, 30, -60>
direction <0, 0, 3.95>
right x*1.33
look_at 3*y

light_source {<-50, 50, -1000> color Gray75}
light_source {< 50, 30, -20> color White}

background { color Gray30 }

#declare Thing =
union {
sphere{<0, 4, 0>, 1}
cone { -y, 1, y, 0.5 translate 2*y }
box {-1, 1 translate y}

#declare T01 = texture { T_Wood1 rotate x*90 }
#declare T02 = texture { T_Wood2 rotate x*90 }
#declare T03 = texture { T_Wood3 rotate x*90 }
#declare T04 = texture { T_Wood4 rotate x*90 }
#declare T05 = texture { T_Wood5 rotate x*90 }

#declare T06 = texture { T_Wood6 rotate x*90 }
#declare T07 = texture { T_Wood7 rotate x*90 }
#declare T08 = texture { T_Wood8 rotate x*90 }
#declare T09 = texture { T_Wood9 rotate x*90 }
#declare T10 = texture { T_Wood10 rotate x*90 }

#declare T11 = texture { T_Wood11 rotate x*90 }
#declare T12 = texture { T_Wood12 rotate x*90 }
#declare T13 = texture { T_Wood13 rotate x*90 }
#declare T14 = texture { T_Wood14 rotate x*90 }
#declare T15 = texture { T_Wood15 rotate x*90 }

#declare T16 = texture { T_Wood16 rotate x*90 }
#declare T17 = texture { T_Wood17 rotate x*90 }
#declare T18 = texture { T_Wood18 rotate x*90 }
#declare T19 = texture { T_Wood19 rotate x*90 }
#declare T20 = texture { T_Wood20 rotate x*90 }

#declare T21 = texture { T_Wood21 rotate x*90 }
#declare T22 = texture { T_Wood22 rotate x*90 }
#declare T23 = texture { T_Wood23 rotate x*90 }
#declare T24 = texture { T_Wood24 rotate x*90 }
#declare T25 = texture { T_Wood25 rotate x*90 }

#declare T26 = texture { T_Wood26 rotate x*90 }
#declare T27 = texture { T_Wood27 rotate x*90 }
#declare T28 = texture { T_Wood28 rotate x*90 }
#declare T29 = texture { T_Wood29 rotate x*90 }
#declare T30 = texture { T_Wood30 rotate x*90 }

#declare T31 = texture { T_Wood31 rotate x*90 }
#declare T32 = texture { T_Wood32 rotate x*90 }
#declare T33 = texture { T_Wood33 rotate x*90 }
#declare T34 = texture { T_Wood34 rotate x*90 }
#declare T35 = texture { T_Wood35 rotate x*90 }

#declare Height = 1;

#declare Dist1 = -8;
#declare Dist2 = -4;
#declare Dist3 = 0;
#declare Dist4 = 4;
#declare Dist5 = 8;
#declare Dist6 = 12;
#declare Dist7 = 16;

#declare Col1 = -8;
#declare Col2 = -4;
#declare Col3 = 0;
#declare Col4 = 4;
#declare Col5 = 8;

// 1st row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T01} translate }
object { Thing texture{T02} translate }
object { Thing texture{T03} translate }
object { Thing texture{T04} translate }
object { Thing texture{T05} translate }
translate -x

// 2nd row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T06} translate }
object { Thing texture{T07} translate }
object { Thing texture{T08} translate }
object { Thing texture{T09} translate }
object { Thing texture{T10} translate }
translate x

// 3rd row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T11} translate }
object { Thing texture{T12} translate }
object { Thing texture{T13} translate }
object { Thing texture{T14} translate }
object { Thing texture{T15} translate }
translate -x

// 4th row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T16} translate }
object { Thing texture{T17} translate }
object { Thing texture{T18} translate }
object { Thing texture{T19} translate }
object { Thing texture{T20} translate }
translate x

// 5th row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T21} translate }
object { Thing texture{T22} translate }
object { Thing texture{T23} translate }
object { Thing texture{T24} translate }
object { Thing texture{T25} translate }
translate -x

// 6th row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T26} translate }
object { Thing texture{T27} translate }
object { Thing texture{T28} translate }
object { Thing texture{T29} translate }
object { Thing texture{T30} translate }
translate x

// 7th row, left to right
union {
object { Thing texture{T31} translate }
object { Thing texture{T32} translate }
object { Thing texture{T33} translate }
object { Thing texture{T34} translate }
object { Thing texture{T35} translate }
translate -x

© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel