TUD Organische ChemieImmelTutorialsOrbitalsHybridOrbitals 3d-4sp2View or Print (this frame only)View or Print (this frame only)

Back to Main Page Hybrid Orbitals - sp2d
See also:  sp2d  sp3d  sp3d2
Hybrid Orbitals:
Hybrid Orbitals 3d1-3sp2
Hybrid Orbitals 3d1-4sp2
Hybrid Orbitals 4d1-4sp2
The linear combination of a 4s-orbital with two 4p-orbitals (4px and 4py) and one 3d-orbital (3dz2) results in four sp2d-orbitals of identical shape, but different orientation in space. The images below provide an illustration of the probability contours (90-25% probability level of the electron density, i.e. ψ2) and the nodal planes of a sp2d-orbital (actually not "planar" planes; ψ = 0), where different colors indicate regions of opposite sign in ψ.

In the bottom row, all four sp2d-orbitals and their square-planar arrangement are displayed, but note that the orbitals have been moved away from the center towards the outside to facilitate visualization (the orange spheres represent the original location of the nucleus). Click on the images to enlarge view.

90% Probability Contour 90-25% Probability Contours Nodal Planes
90% Probability Contour 90-25% Probability Contours Nodal Planes
Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals
Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals Four sp2d-Hybrid Orbitals
Back to Main Page Cartesian Wave Function - sp2d
ψ1  =  1/√4 φ4s  +  1/√2 φ4px  +  1/√4 φ3dx2-y2
ψ2  =  1/√4 φ4s  -  1/√2 φ4px  +  1/√4 φ3dx2-y2
ψ3  =  1/√4 φ4s  +  1/√2 φ4py  -  1/√4 φ3dx2-y2
ψ4  =  1/√4 φ4s  -  1/√2 φ4py  -  1/√4 φ3dx2-y2
All graphics shown on this page were created using the MolArch+ program and POVRAY Persistence of Vision Raytracer. Hybrid Orbitals were generated from the pure hydrogenic wave functions of 4s- and 4p-orbitals; Cartesian wave functions were taken from The Orbitron Gallery of Atomic Orbitals and Molecular Orbitals.
© Copyright PD Dr. S. Immel
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